Technical Guidelines

Following is the list of condensed versions of the IMDA Technical Guidelines.
The cost to purchase the guidelines is US $25.00

On receipt of payment, the condensed versions of the Technical Guidelines will be sent to you via email. The condensed versions contain purpose of procedure, definitions and documentation recommendations.

(NOTE: The full versions include Purpose of procedure, definitions of terms, test procedures, equipment and materials needed, preparation of materials, documentation and evaluations. The full versions are available only to our Corporate Members and are in the Members Only section of the website.)

Activation Temperature Range

Adhesive Uniformity

Applied Adhesive Coating Weight

Bottle Wall Thickness

Bottle Weight

Coefficient of Friction of In-Mold Labels

Label Blocking Resistance

Label Curl

 Label Packaging

Measuring IML Label Placement

 Print-to-Die Cut Registration

Print-to-Print Registration

Product Resistance

Static Charging of In-Mold Labels

 Scuff Resistance

Static Charging of In-Mold Labels

Storage & Handling Conditions for In-Mold

Static Testing

Solvent Retention