MCC Receives First Joint Recyclability Approval

Press release submitted on behalf of RecyClass

APR and RecyClass have jointly recognized MCC’s ‘SealPPeel’ technology applicable on PP packaging tubs as fully compatible with both PP white and colored recycling streams in the United States and Europe. This marks the first APR-RecyClass joint Recyclability Approval since the collaboration agreement in March 20231

“Parallel test results like this help us learn how our test protocols differ. This is the first step to being able to accept each other’s testing and approvals, which we know is something that our joint members are looking forward to.” commented Rebecca Mick, Ph.D., APR’s Critical Guidance Program Director.

This innovative mono-material packaging features a PP lid, replacing the usual aluminum lid, which reduces the negative impact of such material on sorting and plastic recycling processes.

Independent testing was carried out by the Institut für Kunststofftechnologie und -recycling e. V. (IKTR), following APR Testing Protocols2 and RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocols3.

“MCC application for a joint APR-RecyClass Recyclability Approval is promising,” said Paolo Glerean, Chairman of RecyClass. “We encourage other companies to apply to help accelerate global harmonization of recycling practices.”

APR and RecyClass, leaders in building guidance on plastic circularity based on scientific findings in North America and Europe, respectively, are collaborating to harmonize Design for Recycling Guidelines worldwide. With a shared commitment to increasing high-quality plastic recycling and its uptake in new products globally, the two organizations will use these results to further harmonize their protocols and guide the plastic value chain towards common standards on plastic circularity.

1 APR-RecyClass Cooperation Report is available here.

2 APR Testing Protocols are available here.

3 RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocols are available here.

About RecyClass RecyClass is a non-profit, cross-industry initiative advancing recyclability, bringing transparency to the origin of plastic waste and establishing a harmonized approach toward recycled plastic calculation & traceability in Europe. RecyClass develops Recyclability Evaluation Protocols and scientific testing methods for innovative plastic materials which serve as the base for the Design for Recycling Guidelines and the RecyClass Online Tool. RecyClass established Recyclability Certifications for plastic packaging, Recycling Process Certification and Recycled Plastics Traceability Certification for plastic products.

About Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) is an international non-profit and the only North American organization focused exclusively on improving recycling for plastics. APR’s tools & resources help companies design packaging that can be recycled, support innovations that overcome existing recycling challenges, and encourage stable and reliable markets for post-consumer recycled content. Visit for more information.