In-Mold Decorating Association (IMDA) Leadership Changes

Topeka, Kansas — The board of directors of the In-Mold Decorating Association (IMDA) has announced a change in leadership roles. Dianna Brodine will serve as executive director and Cori Watkins will serve as member coordinator.

Brodine has served as IMDA’s managing director since December 2020. With more than 18 years in the plastics industry, she has worked to build industry recognition of IMDA members as experts in IML, IMD and IME, while also expanding the IMDA Awards Competition and achieving record-setting attendance at the 2023 Plastic Product Decorating Summit. Watkins is a recent addition to the IMDA team, bringing a customer-service focus to the association’s membership activities. Jeff Peterson, previous executive director, remains involved with the association’s management.

IMDA also is pleased to announce its newest board member, Adam Boehlke, IML product growth manager, Inland Packaging. Boehlke has had a 16-year career with Inland Packaging, with involvement with IML on both the sales and sales management sides, as well as on the procurement side through category management of raw materials and suppliers. He is an advocate for the importance of partnership throughout all channels of IML, from raw material suppliers, mold makers and molding equipment OEMs to automation providers, printers and molders, with his primary focus being on IML growth and development through sales and sales management roles.

IMDA Board members include the following:
President: Bob Travis, InkWorks Printing
Vice President: Mike Sansoucy, ARBURG
Treasurer: Keith Farthing, PolyFab Daiho
Adam Boehlke, Inland Packaging
Erik Johnson, Churchill Container
Mike Licata, YUPO
Matt Membrino, Netstal Machinery
Jim Naatz, Sussex IM Paul O’Hearn, Profile Plastics
Jordan Robertson, StackTeck Systems, Ltd.
Scott Tacosik, KURZ

Contact Dianna Brodine with any questions: [email protected] or (785) 215-8635. Learn more about the In-Mold Decorating Association at

The In-Mold Decorating Association (IMDA) is an organization that includes molders, printers, material suppliers and equipment manufacturers that are committed to the development and growth of in-mold decorated products, technologies and markets. IMDA raises the level of awareness and acceptance of in-mold decorated durable products and in-mold labeled packaging by OEMs, brand owners and marketers, integrating the interests of the entire IML and IMD supply chain through its promotional and educational programs. For more information, visit