Herrods IML Now Operates under MCC Verstraete Australia

It has been known for a while that Multi-Color Corporation (MCC), Batavia, Ohio, acquired the Australian in-mold label manufacturer Herrods IML. Recently, Herrods IML has started a new chapter within this acquisition. As of June 1, 2022, the Australian company has changed its name and branding. The company will continue to operate under the name MCC Verstraete Australia.

Both MCC Verstraete and Herrods IML are important players in the IML landscape. By joining forces and changing the name, the company’s position is strengthened on a local and global level.

In addition to the new position in Australia, Asia and New Zealand, MCC Verstraete has an existing production unit in Batavia, Ohio, since 2018. For more information, visit www.verstraete.mcclabel.com.