My company is a member of IMDA because we recognize that working together will result in more and better opportunities than trying to go it alone. Having collaboration on large industry-wide issues will allow overall market growth that benefits all members. 
                                         — Paul O’Hearn, Profile Plastics

join us to gain exposure as an expert in iml, imd and ime

IMDA members are trusted, valued partners with deep knowledge of in-mold processes. Our members gain visibility through and see value in the connections made both within the association and with those looking to expand their use of in-mold technology in packaging and durable goods applications.

By attending and exhibiting at our annual conference – the Plastic Product Decorating Summit – or joining us in the booth at an industry tradeshow, your company gains exposure as an expert in in-mold labeling, decorating and electronics technology.

Entering the IMDA Awards Competition also promotes your company’s skills in IML, IMD and IME with recognition in Plastics Decorating magazine and other industry publications, as well as through IMDA channels.